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- Admissions

Years 9-12 Admissions

2024 Admissions - Years 9 - 12

Pupils will be considered for enrolment provided that:

1. Their admission will not cause the school to exceed its enrolment number.

2. Their admission will not cause the particular year group to exceed the admissions number set for it, at its time of entry. This limitation will not apply to pupils recently come to reside in the area.

3. In the opinion of the Board of Governors, their admission would not prejudice the efficient use of the school’s resources.

Where there are more applicants who meet these criteria than there are places, preference will be given as follows:

(i) Applicants who held a place in a grammar school elsewhere and who have moved into the catchment area of the College.

(ii) Applicants whose sibling(s) are pupils of the College in the year in which the application is made.

(iii) Applicants who had originally applied for a place in the College and whose grade was equal to that of the minimum scored by those accepted that year.


Applications for admission at the start of a school year will normally be considered in late August. Applications for admission during the school year will be considered as soon as possible after the application is received. If at the time of consideration of applications there are more eligible applicants than places available, sub-criteria number 2 of the admissions criteria for entry to Year 8 will be applied.

Years 9-12 Life at Thornhill College

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